last night I had the most amazing dinner with some great friends I'm sad I hadn't met earlier. In today's day & age (not to mention working in politics) 'marriage' 'husband' & 'wife' are taboo terms-- at least in a positive light they are. 'A', a beautiful coworker who works for the same organization I do, but in a different department invited me over to her place to have dinner with her husband 'T' & their friend 'M'. She went out of her way to cook Indian dishes to celebrate my departure. Their cozy home boasted photos of their wedding where T sported a classic western tux & A's beautiful dark skin contrasted her gown as her life giving eyes shown out of the frame at any onlookers. T's black bear mount watched us eat our dinner, laugh, play 'pig-out' & 'phase-10' for almost 4 hours. It was a beautiful evening, & I hope one day I can have what they have.
Tonight is the Randy Roger's Concert-- one of my favorite Texas Country Artists. I'm going with 'B' as my date. I'm not a big fan of being picked up at home, after all I have my own car to drive & drives to dang slow anyway!! Okay, that's not completely true, but I'm afraid that he might be someone special, & there are too many other things going on for me right now. But here lies the rub-- social circles are so jumbled up that I see him everywhere anyway-- almost each day (I suspect some is strategic planning on his end..) He says he wants to wait for me to come back from India, but that's another subject all together.
Now what to wear... boots since it's outdoor, maybe jean skirt, t-shirt & ball cap?? hmm.. Maybe should do the get all pretty thing *shrug*
My work circle of gal's have decided to take off to Puerto Rico in a week-- for about 4 days. Even though I haven't moved out of my house yet (16 days til take off to India now) & I'm pretty close to broke.. I think I'm in. I mean hell, I've never been to Puerto Rico & who am I to turn down an opportunity? & I've got some friends with some money that are lookin like they might come thru. Buncha the guys are gettin riled up bout goin too, so I figure we'll all figure it out tonight at the concert. Wish we'da got a table..
I wrote a memo to my 4 immediate bosses today. (yea, it's a weird set up, but I've got about 9 more indirectly that I'll address later.) I thanked them for everything they've done & let them know when my last day of work was. It's hard to convey that I appreciate everything they've done & all the chances they took, stickin their necks out on my account, taking care of me.. There is so much they have done, & I feel like I've written a break up letter. In all honesty, I know I've worked with some of the best-- hopefully that will help me find a job when I get back, tryn not to worry bout it too much.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
How to move to India for 6 months
1. Establish a contact abroad
or a contact who has a contact abroad. Being a Rotarian and Catholic made it easy for me to find people already in India for guidance, volunteer opportunities, meals & lodging.
2. Save some money
even when you don't make much money. Prioritize and log your spending. What can you do without? Get down to the bare essentials, and you'll be closer to your goal sooner than you thought possible.
3. Request an extended leave of absence from work
ask your boss if you can take two or three months off-- after all, it will make you a more valuable employee. You've given your time and heart to your company, or to the people if you work for the government, one can only hope that they will give it back. If you're lucky, they will understand. If you're luckier, they won't & you'll loose your job by leaving, and will no longer have a time restriction while in India :) (the 2nd is the option I was given.)
4. Apply for Visa
Not terribly tedious, but it is outsourced (irony..) and has to be sent in by mail. Shipping your passport by FedEx can be a little nerve racking, but I had no problems. The visa is activated the day that the consulate receives it, not when you plan to go, so you may loose a few weeks of time.
5. Move out of your house
seeing as to how I am still procrastinating this, you're on your own.
6. Spend as much time with family & friends as possible
Set a schedule, make plans, & get RSVP's, even from family. Be assertive in this process, and always have two suggestions to offer. If you wait and ask "well I duno, what do you want to do?" it'll never get done. Plan a picnic, day at the lake, dinner at your place, etc. Try to combine groups of friends-- it's more fun for everyone involved, and also saves you some time to do other things, like move out of your house.
Be prepared for people to be negative (I'll touch on that in FAQ's at the end of the article) but with family, understand their apprehensions. Appreciate their concern, be merciful, patient, but firm.
On a side note, don't be alarmed when anyone you've ever dated (or haven't dated) begins to confess their "true feelings" for you. I think it's just something about leaving.. take it with a grain of salt.
7. Check WHO (world health organization) & go to the doctor
I had most of my immunizations already from Africa trip. I have a really amazing Doctor (Dr. Cynthia Cantu for anyone in the south Texas area) that I can call up, & helped me with the research. Malaria isn't a concern in the region I'll be in, but really just check the website & talk to your doc.
8. Buy an airline ticket
You probably shouldn't do this until after you get your visa, but I did. You can use a travel agent if you want, but I just used which I love. It takes all those cheap ticket web sites & compares them right there for you. Try a few different cities around you to see where it's cheapest to fly out of-- sometimes it won't give you the best combinations. For example, if you're anywhere in Texas try to fly out of DFW or Houston. Then see what airlines at your closest airport fly there. Put them in separately and you'll get a better deal. I bought a one-way & will buy my flight back when I figure out when I'm coming back.
9. Realize you haven't saved enough money (aka fundraise)
I absolutely HATE asking for money. I'm sure a lot of people can relate, but you just got to think in your mind, what's more important-- my goal or the chip on my shoulder? Ain't too proud to beg-- Temptations style. If you truly believe in what you are doing, ask for help. Try a raffle, plate sale, anything. Sell tickets door to door, ask your church, ask your family, have a going away party & ask everyone for a $5 donation. Get creative. Make your bank account number known for those who want to donate directly. & have faith that God will provide.
10. Pray
God will provide. If you do something in his name, he'll take care of the rest. I'm no one special or extra-talented, I am just loved by God. I respect the dignity of each person, and know they we are all unique, irreplaceable, and His. Living your life as loved by God will change your very existence. You realize everything is possible, and no challenge is greater than his love. It's beautiful & amazing to realize it's not about 'you' anymore, but about love.
I don't claim to be some kind of angel or saint- far from it. But I'm also not conceded & stupid enough to think that I know more than God. He says he loves me and that I'm made for greatness. It's the same for you-- step up to the challenge, accept it, & get over yourself. We fall, we sin, we fail-- we're human. Trick is not giving up.
5. Great! What can I do to help you?
Your heart will be surprised at the people who are going to come thru, do everything for you, and also at those who won't. A lot of folks will tell you they want to help, but they don't. Try not to take it personally-- they have their own lives & things going on. Remember this was your decision & that you are not a child. Be thankful for all those who help you, and remember to send them something when you are gone. Be thankful for those who fall thru and praise God for trusting you with such a big load!
or a contact who has a contact abroad. Being a Rotarian and Catholic made it easy for me to find people already in India for guidance, volunteer opportunities, meals & lodging.
2. Save some money
even when you don't make much money. Prioritize and log your spending. What can you do without? Get down to the bare essentials, and you'll be closer to your goal sooner than you thought possible.
3. Request an extended leave of absence from work
ask your boss if you can take two or three months off-- after all, it will make you a more valuable employee. You've given your time and heart to your company, or to the people if you work for the government, one can only hope that they will give it back. If you're lucky, they will understand. If you're luckier, they won't & you'll loose your job by leaving, and will no longer have a time restriction while in India :) (the 2nd is the option I was given.)
4. Apply for Visa
Not terribly tedious, but it is outsourced (irony..) and has to be sent in by mail. Shipping your passport by FedEx can be a little nerve racking, but I had no problems. The visa is activated the day that the consulate receives it, not when you plan to go, so you may loose a few weeks of time.
5. Move out of your house
seeing as to how I am still procrastinating this, you're on your own.
6. Spend as much time with family & friends as possible
Set a schedule, make plans, & get RSVP's, even from family. Be assertive in this process, and always have two suggestions to offer. If you wait and ask "well I duno, what do you want to do?" it'll never get done. Plan a picnic, day at the lake, dinner at your place, etc. Try to combine groups of friends-- it's more fun for everyone involved, and also saves you some time to do other things, like move out of your house.
Be prepared for people to be negative (I'll touch on that in FAQ's at the end of the article) but with family, understand their apprehensions. Appreciate their concern, be merciful, patient, but firm.
On a side note, don't be alarmed when anyone you've ever dated (or haven't dated) begins to confess their "true feelings" for you. I think it's just something about leaving.. take it with a grain of salt.
7. Check WHO (world health organization) & go to the doctor
I had most of my immunizations already from Africa trip. I have a really amazing Doctor (Dr. Cynthia Cantu for anyone in the south Texas area) that I can call up, & helped me with the research. Malaria isn't a concern in the region I'll be in, but really just check the website & talk to your doc.
8. Buy an airline ticket
You probably shouldn't do this until after you get your visa, but I did. You can use a travel agent if you want, but I just used which I love. It takes all those cheap ticket web sites & compares them right there for you. Try a few different cities around you to see where it's cheapest to fly out of-- sometimes it won't give you the best combinations. For example, if you're anywhere in Texas try to fly out of DFW or Houston. Then see what airlines at your closest airport fly there. Put them in separately and you'll get a better deal. I bought a one-way & will buy my flight back when I figure out when I'm coming back.
9. Realize you haven't saved enough money (aka fundraise)
I absolutely HATE asking for money. I'm sure a lot of people can relate, but you just got to think in your mind, what's more important-- my goal or the chip on my shoulder? Ain't too proud to beg-- Temptations style. If you truly believe in what you are doing, ask for help. Try a raffle, plate sale, anything. Sell tickets door to door, ask your church, ask your family, have a going away party & ask everyone for a $5 donation. Get creative. Make your bank account number known for those who want to donate directly. & have faith that God will provide.
10. Pray
God will provide. If you do something in his name, he'll take care of the rest. I'm no one special or extra-talented, I am just loved by God. I respect the dignity of each person, and know they we are all unique, irreplaceable, and His. Living your life as loved by God will change your very existence. You realize everything is possible, and no challenge is greater than his love. It's beautiful & amazing to realize it's not about 'you' anymore, but about love.
I don't claim to be some kind of angel or saint- far from it. But I'm also not conceded & stupid enough to think that I know more than God. He says he loves me and that I'm made for greatness. It's the same for you-- step up to the challenge, accept it, & get over yourself. We fall, we sin, we fail-- we're human. Trick is not giving up.
1. Why are you going all the way over there when there are people here that need help? Aren't you proud to be American?
Hell yes I'm a proud Texan! & I love this great country & all it has to offer. But there are also people there that need help. Also, there is no way I could give of myself fully here. My job (which I love) takes most of my time, my social calendar is usually packed-- it's as much for me (if not more) as it is for the kids. I also want the experience of living in a 3rd world country. There is a term called "CQ" which refers to cultural intelligence, and I hope to increase mine.
2. So you're loosing your job?? But the economy is so bad and there aren't many jobs- what are you going to do when you get back?
I don't need many jobs, just one. I think I can find one. & how can I expect to move forward if I won't let go to what is behind me?
3. You know they don't eat beef or use toilet paper right? What are you going to do?
When in Rome..
4. But why India?
There are a lot of volunteer programs all over the world. If you're interested, I suggest that you do your research. Most organizations sustain themselves by contributions from 'backpackers' who decide to give a few weeks to volunteer-- meaning you have to pay. I looked into a lot of different options. What was important to me was that it was in a Catholic environment, abroad, and free. I preferred a warm temperature, to work with children, rich culture, and a third world country. India fit the bill. 5. Great! What can I do to help you?
Your heart will be surprised at the people who are going to come thru, do everything for you, and also at those who won't. A lot of folks will tell you they want to help, but they don't. Try not to take it personally-- they have their own lives & things going on. Remember this was your decision & that you are not a child. Be thankful for all those who help you, and remember to send them something when you are gone. Be thankful for those who fall thru and praise God for trusting you with such a big load!
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